Hey I’m Haley J, She/Her

A photographer for the raddie baddies & to showcase how f*cking beautifully unique we all are

Growing up I was a wild child, I stepped to the beat of my own drum and while I had amazing friends & family, I was criticized and bullied up into my high school years for not only my appearance but also my quirky & weird goofball personality.

A couple years after graduating high school & spending time at the U of S in my home city of Saskatoon, I transferred to UVIC in Victoria, BC on Vancouver Island. My heart always knew I would end up a bush kid from the prairies gone West Coast.

I was struggling with my career and life goals to begin with when I was hit with the bomb of my Dads unexpected passing. Loosing him meant I lost my rock, my strength, and a huge part of who I was and everything that gave me confidence in life. 

It was only months after his death and I remember being the lowest I had ever felt, I was BEYOND uncomfortable in my own skin, I had already spent so many years there, and basically felt like crawling out of it on a daily basis. But my best friend was getting married and I was a bridesmaid which meant…I had to be in wedding photos. My anxiety and stress about those photos were having impacts on my daily life the weeks leading up to a day that was supposed to be magical and amazing but to me it just felt like dread. 

Within minutes of the photographer starting the portraits part of the day (the part I was hoping to avoid) all my stress, insecurities and anxiety were gone. 

She showed up as her authentic self and there was no bullshit or hiding any part of her. There was no awkward posing or silence, just fun experiences that happened to be captured on camera. The two of us were such similar kindred souls and I was reminded how f*cking beautiful it is to be me.

A light was relit in me that day. A piece of me brought back to life. Without evening knowing it the photographer had changed my life & I remember thinking “I want to be that for someone else” and that’s how it all began… 

Add that to growing up in a house where my Mom had photographs she had taken of her travel & stories on our walls and where imagination & dreams were supported and encouraged. She taught me to let my wild child soar, trust my intuition, and how magical gratitude can be. And can’t forget Papa Duaner who was my biggest hype man, secret holder, dream encourager, bestie & fellow weirdo goofball.

When you work with me my goal is to create an environment & experience that is relaxed, playful, rooted in connection & authenticity and creating a space allowing the truest version of yourself & your vision to be captured turning those moments into stories & memories that last longer than a lifetime